
Cat with tilted head

Help! My Cat Wakes Me Up Every Night!

Dear Mike,

My cat is adorable and I love him but he’s driving me crazy! He wakes me up every night around 4am jumping on and off the bed and meowing incessantly. I tried to lock him out but he just cries at the door. The only thing that works is to get up and pet him and play with him for a while. I just want a full night of sleep. Help!


Kitties & Caffeine

Dear Kitties & Caffeine,

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk!

Cats by nature are crepuscular which means they are awake and ready to hunt at dawn and dusk.  Even though it seems like they sleep all day, they usually sleep in shorter bursts but more often–the infamous cat nap! Most kitties that wake up their owners do so at an hour just before dawn when they would be getting primed for hunting.

So how do you stop it?

First things first, do not get up! This is the most important part of breaking the cycle. Getting up to play with your cat is reinforcing the behavior that if they cry, they’ll get your attention. It can take a few weeks to break their habit so be patient. I know it’s hard to do when you are tired and cranky in the wee hours of the morning, but consistency now will lead to a paw-some night’s sleep down the road.

If your kitty likes to jump up on the bed to demand your attention then gently push him off. It can take a few times, (okay honestly, maybe more than a few) before they get the message and walk away.

So what about preventing the behavior in the first place? Yes! So glad you asked.

Play with your kitty before bedtime. If your cat is healthy, encourage play that has lots of jumping and chasing to expend the most energy.

Follow up playtime with a meal. Cats have a natural hunting cycle–hunt, eat, bathe, sleep. A meal will complete their hunting cycle and prep them for bathtime and then bedtime! An evening snack may help keep kitty (and you!) sleep for a little longer.

If kitty wakes up and is ready to prowl try hiding a foraging toy with treats stuffed inside to engage their hunting skills. An early morning hunt may be all they need to let you sleep soundly!

Alternatively, if kitty is waking you up because he’s hungry you can try an automatic feeder set to go off about a half hour before he usually bothers you.  You may need to alter his feeding routine though so he’s not getting too much food. You don’t want an overweight cat jumping on you in the middle of the night!

And finally, do not get up!  Oh, did I mention that one already? That’s because it’s doubly important! Stay the course – wear earplugs, shut the door, put on a white noise machine, whatever it takes. Eventually, the habit will break.

One last thing, if kitty’s behavior is new it could mean something is wrong. You know your four-legged friend best, if something seems “off” schedule a visit to your vet!

I hope these tips help you sleep purr-fectly through the night!

